The poet only saw two roads,
One less travelled and one untook.
The third, to him was quite unknown.
The winding path that Tam Lin roamed,
Through elven Glade and faery nook.
Of all the roads that he might take,
And right before his path was set,
He stood and look and looked and stayed,
Yet missed the road in the forest glade
And chose to choose regret.
Frost never spied the Faerie Queene
Come dancing through the yellow wood.
Did she intend to go unseen?
Or did the poet fail to dream,
And doze as faery poets should?
Now when I go a wandering,
I know to seek the hidden path,
And when I find the Faery King,
I’ll go and to the Greenwood sing,
I do not fear unseelie wrath.
For I did swim the blood red spring,
And tended well the white,
And I did dance in fairy rings,
Dined in the court of the Summer King,
And feasted through the night.
Yes, I followed Tam Lin’s path,
With all my worth and all my will,
And I did find the milk White Hart,
Stayed and made a love that lasts,
And built my home beneath that hill.
Lisa Goodwin 2nd April 2021