A Bardic Journal is a great way to keep track of your story. Ourselves and everything around us are made up of layer upon layer of story, an evolving dance of drama and existence. We are hard wired to find meaning through interaction with the environment and the people we meet. These encounters and events collide with our personal story all the time. They have significance for us, they drive our belief and direct our behaviour. We could argue that our consciousness is made up entirely of story.
Bardic Journal
Many people keep a journal, a magical diary of sorts. A journal helps us keep track of our progress. There are many types of journals, you can write a plant journal, a dream journal, a magical journal. In fact – just about anything you can imagine, you can journal it.
Keeping a journal is an exercise in focus and creativity. It has many benefits. Your own bardic journal can be regarded as an unfolding of your personal story onto the page. It can include poems, found things, dreams and wild ideas. Keeping a record of your ‘true’ story will give deeper insights into emerging themes and lessons. Later we will talk about creating your own journal … step by step.
Really Wanna Go Bardic Journal
Our Bardic Journal has a wider scope as we explore more universal themes. There will be references to our personal story of course. How could there not be? It will be us observing and making connections. But the focus is on the folklore and mythology of the areas we explore. The intention is to connect with nature spirits and living mythology. We have been working with sacred space in Glastonbury for the last 12 years, connecting with archetypes and magical sources to support us in our work.
Wizard News
Wizard News is where I keep all my poems and musings about the world. Since I won the Bardic Contest I have been writing prolifically and have produced hundreds of poems. Here in the bardic journal the spotlight is on poetry and stories to express the spirit of place. Folklore that deepens our connection with the world and give us a sense of connection with the land. I am a historian and student of folk psychology. Which means I like to research places and mythology to find out how story affects tradition and culture.
Guided Journeys
Max is skilled at guided meditations and is currently working on a whole cycle of sacred storytelling. These stories will become available as the seasons turn, along with guided journeys to access certain magical archetypes. He also makes stuff up, which makes him an awesome storyteller and dungeon master! We may well add another category to this website, ‘Max Making Stuff Up.’